There are many reasons that lead to disappeared photos on Mac, but it is hard to determine what is exactly the reason to cause such an error, unless we test and exclude one by one. Anyway, following are probably the reasons that why your photos get disappeared from your Mac:
Missing Photo Library In Mac
Photo library is the database where all photo files, thumbnails, metadata info, etc. stored. If you find the library folder but see no photos in it, then it may get corrupted. But luckily, Photos app allow users to Repair your photo library when photos or photo albums lost/disappeared for no reason, become unreadable or just missing.
If there is no issue about your photo library and you just want to try other methods before installing Cisdem Data Recovery on your Mac, here are 3 free options to fix lost photos from Mac after update.
Once data loss occurs, just stay calm, and follow the methods above to recover lost or disappeared photos on Mac after update. The most helpful and all-in-one solution I think is to install a Mac photo recovery software or service.
Thanks Cisdem Data Recovery. I tried nearly all tips to find back my precious photos lost after my macOS up to Monterey, which were taken on my grandma's 75th birthday, but I failed. Cisdem has done it successfully.
Many Mac users on different Apple platforms have reported that whenever they launch Photos on Mac, they receive the "Photos must quit because the photo library has become unavailable or its data is corrupt" error message. One such situation is illustrated below:
Try using Photos Repair Library tool on Mac if your Photos library won't open, or on the other hand, if the Photos application is corrupted. To get to the Photos Repair Library on your Mac device, you need to follow the means below:
The Repair Library tool breaks down the library's data set and fixes any problems found. Contingent upon the size of your library, the fixes may take some time. When your Mac is done troubleshooting the library, Photos will open the photos disappeared from iPhoto.
If Disk Utility fails to fix your Photos Library issues or you receive a message that the First Aid process couldn't fix your issue, you can then try the following method to rebuild photos library in iPhotos.
If you have an older iPhoto app on your Mac, use its Photos Library First Aid to fix this problem. It allows you to restore iPhoto library database. It lets you pick one out of the following four options:
If you have accidentally deleted the iPhoto library and have not backed up photos to the time machine, you can get your photos back with Tenorshare 4DDiG Mac Data Recovery Software. This Mac photo recovery software supports to recover photos after accidental deletion, hard drive corruption, or system crashes. It gets your job done with such ease that even a non-technical person can perform the recovery process in the following way:
Photo Library applications may face problems like corruption and accidental deletion of photos. These issues demonstrate that your Photos app require repair. Utilize the above strategies to repair photos application, and recover any deleted file using the Tenorshare 4DDiG Data Recovery Software for Mac. It allows users to preview the files found after the scanning result.
In other cases, Photos Library files can go missing due to accidental deletion, formatting, misplacement, or even damage due to software errors or drive issues. This article is an in-depth guide to restoring iPhoto Library files (for older macOS) and Photos Library files. Read on.
I want to follow the instructions from how to avoid getting missing file error in photos, so my question now is, Is there some way to get all missing files from Photos library? It is going to be impossible to double click every photo to find out if it is missing. I need just the directories, i can place them back one by one and consolidate.
Long answer: I had the same question, and it turns out that the photo library is backed by a SQLite database under the covers. On your machine, you can find the database file at /database/photos.db. There's a table called RKMaster, with a row for every photo, and a fileIsReference column that tells you whether the photo is "external" or not.
Note that the table also includes an isMissing column, but this is not good enough by itself. It only tells you about the files that Photos "knows" are missing, because you tried to double-click them, or use them in some way. If you simply delete a file from disk, but don't try to access it in Photos, the isMissing column will be false.
That will only give you the UUID of each file, not the path. However, once RepairPhotosBookmarks is integrated into OSXphotos (due shortly) you don't need the file path because that powerful app will be able to handle those missing files for you.
I've found that the isMissing flag doesn't mean that the image is gone, just that it's not currently on disk. Using the Python script here, I was trying to copy all of my images out of Photos for backup. I noticed that several images were not being copied, and it turned out it was because they had the isMissing flag on them. But, I was able to take the image name (e.g., IMG_1234.JPG), search for it in Photos, and it found the image. And when I opened the image in Photos for viewing, there was a progress circle shown in the lower right corner (as though it was loading the file from somewhere), and when I checked the folder inside the Photos library on disk, sure enough, the missing file was now there.So now the mystery is, where are these "missing" files stored, and how do I access them (without having to visit each & every one within Photos)?And has anyone reverse engineered & documented the schema of the Photos SQLLite DB, including what the various fields mean, like "isMissing"? I haven't been able to find it myself.
(Note: The solution appears to only work if the Photos library has been converted from an older iPhoto library, and the images were missing already at that time. I leave it here for educational purpose, but have added another answer with a more thorough detection.)
It only works if Photos has already detected that the file is missing. I don't know what causes this detection, it's just that I found a Photos library where this was the case, and then this script worked. But when I tried to reproduce this with another library, where I deleted the original files (and also made sure they were not recreated, which happens when they came from iCloud), even relaunching Photos with forcing a library repair would not update the image properties to a state where my script would detect them as missing. Maybe this only works with libraries that were converted from former iPhoto libraries (which I know the first one was).
To use it, launch Photos, switch to view all photos, and select all photos you want checked, e.g. with cmd-A. Then run the script, and it'll add all those photos for which there's no known or accessible image file to the automatically created "missing images" album.
Note: The following solution, while working well in my own test case, is probably not suitable for large (100'000s) of images in the library, nor with Photos offloaded into iCloud. Take this as an educational answer but don't expect it to work in your case. I welcome others to improve on this script and post it in their own answers.
The following AppleScript parses the sqlite database to identify the paths to the files, then checks if those files are present. If it finds missing files, it then launches and tries to identify the related images (or movies) and adds them to an album named "missing images".
To use this script, copy the code below and paste it into a new "Script" document. If you only want to check particular images for missing files, open Photos, then select the items you want checked. Otherwise, to check all items (photos, movies), quit Photos. Then run the script. Once the script has checked all files, it will launch Photos and add the missing items to the album "missing images". When finished, it will show a message about it. Then you can view the album in Photos, select all items and delete them with cmd-delete if you want to get rid of them.
If you add, delete, move, or rename image files or folder containing the image files in the Finder (macOS) or Explorer (Windows), the link between the files and the Lightroom Classic catalog breaks. When a catalog can't find a photo, Lightroom Classic displays a Photo Is Missing icon () in image cells in the Grid view and the Filmstrip.
Links between a catalog and its photos can also break if photos are stored on an external drive that is offline. If the drive is offline, turn it on. If the drive letter has changed, change it back to the letter Lightroom Classic expects.
A: For starters, you need an iCloud account, which anyone can get for free. Apple says you must be using OS X 10.10.3 or later on a Mac, and iOS 8.3 on an iOS device. (Even though iCloud Photo Library was available in earlier versions of iOS 8, there were apparently changes in iOS 8.3 that are necessary to make your photos sync with your Mac.) You can also access your photos in the Photos Web app at, but only after you have synced the Photos library from at least one device.
A: No. Your iCloud Photo Library is tied to your iCloud username, and is intended for syncing your own photos and videos among your own devices. It is not designed to sync photos between iCloud accounts.
A: If you were previously syncing photos between your Mac or PC and iOS device(s) using iTunes, you can continue doing so with Photos (as long as you have iTunes 12.1.2 or later) and leave iCloud Photo Library turned off. However, if you enable iCloud Photo Library on your Mac, you will no longer be able to sync photos from that Mac with your iOS devices via iTunes.
A: The libraries merge, regardless of whether they previously overlapped in any way. After everything has synced, the Photos app on each of your devices (and on the iCloud Web site) should contain exactly the same set of photos and videos. 2ff7e9595c