I got an internal inquiry, though I am not convinced why they want to know the details (which server). We have a cluster of dual (active/backup) servers, where the authentication licensing is configured on the main then backup servers (WS2016). A group of users(say 10) initiated sessions via remote desktop to the cluster, but none of the servers is showing any licensing authentication (No of licenses is shown as 0 on the dashboard). But sessions/connections are up. The question is how to determine which server is providing which authentication licensing number to which user, and how to visualize that (not sure if authentication license manager can do that)? Initially 50 licenses x 4 groups (i.e. total 200 licenses) were configured on the main then backup servers. It might be confusing and difficult to understand the situation. I hope a professional administrator can advise me and appreciate your early feedback. Thanks.
Starting in Windows Server 2016, RCM no longer queries the users object in AD DS. If you require RCM to query AD DS because you are using the Remote Desktop Services attributes, you must manually enable RCM.
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