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Slefuitorul de diamante pdf 43: Secretele unui mestesugar legendar


Exclusively Neve licensed, Universal Audio modeled Neve 1073 Preamp and EQModels entire Neve 1073 Class A transformer/transistor circuit path, including preamp, EQ, output amplifier, nonlinearities and clippingRevered 3-band Wessex A88/8014 Console EQ: High Shelf, Mid Bell, Low Shelf, passive High Pass FilterCollection includes Unison-enabled Neve 1073 console channel plug-in with preamp, plus separate 1073 and 1073SE Legacy EQ plug-insRealtime UAD Processing and exclusive Unison Mic Preamp Technology features with Apollo audio interfacesMic, Line and Hi-Z inputs with Unison Mic Preamp TechnologyPhysical analog Lo (300 Ω) or Hi (1200 Ω) switchable input impedance with Unison Mic Preamp TechnologyTactile control of Gain staging and common preamp parameters with Unison Mic Preamp Technology

Used this recently on some lightly distorted big chord hot guitars.and it sat right in the mix with the guitars I used the API channel strip on. A great compliment to the API that added weight, depth and heft to those punctuating chords without stepping on the API sonic footprint.Also used this on a bottom snare mic track and brought out a nice, fat tuneful body in the snare that blended great with the battery mics cracked.Highly recommended!E.

how to crack uad plug-ins for mac

oci A PAPER PAPEROFQUALITY THE t WASHINGTON HERALD Tfta eiresJa eiresJaifei 26530 26530NO8I OFQUALITY OFQUALITYNO lh I ifei o Oet 14 14ONENO NO8 8 J WASHINGTON D C C MONDAY OCTOBER 15 1806 1906TEN TEN PAGES ONE CENTI o HUGH51 FFUGHES1NTHELED FFUGHES1NTHELEDNew J TH l nNew 1 Cy York Campaign Cro111u gn Now Nowfarin N NowTharing 01Y 01YNearingfarin Nearing Critical Point PointFiCfllONS PointF PoiiitflJONSFiCfllONS F ONs PLAY A PART PARTDiscontent PARlDis PARTDiscnteitDiscontent Dis out llt Is Rife Among niong Both BothParties BothFarti BothII Parties Farti tuIics S This Fall FallIem FallDcutjjiJratiIC FailinDcutjjiJratiIC Iem arHts in the City antI nd Ilcpnu Ilcpnullqrfns UcamJ19 JtepubJ1J19 J1 llqrfns fhs Vlt Ti State III Ilcliclllon Ulalc UlalctH i1lnlitRg iunlctRctH tRg tRc r Sftnation bomple Compleje oiiip1eMoCRrrc1LM oiiip1eMoCRrrc1LM1JlItt MoCarreH MoCarreHIfijCUt JoCarr nH nHlIfijCUt l ltt en n Hcarat I 1M Bitter nncI nd Will WillC WIHCst Vlll VlllC1C C1 Cst fft t CHJMlMnU eititl ldttte Thousands Pho 11hotl iunnds tnt1s of ofywtttf ort ofVet4iZkrIywtttf Vet4iZkrI t Mrl Xacrl Corporation Ct rporn tloii Clmrsex ClmrsexNtw ChnrcHw ChnrcsNtwNtw w York Y rk Oct 14The campaign cafllPaUbo on onbaft onbelt belt bo atdea de is BOW nearing a critical point pointta poIata pohstiwthkta iwthk this State aid before fose the week fa over overit ewerII ov ovtt it jpa q be BC pretty dscwtteJy settled who whowfll whoTlaua whowwfll w win D Taua far tile Republicans Republicanswhose RepubIkaUea RepublIGULwbeewhose candidate ea fer governor 0ftI Is Charles CharlesB CharlesEo Cbar1eFLB Eo HUffces B eem c to have the better of ofit ofI ofItit I but tUa does not mean waea that Hearst Hearstia HeanstCHIt Hearstoitthoia out oittho ef the race Jar Farfisin from H It If It Itwave Itfer Itwseewave aot for the complicated ted situation on onthe onthe onthethe Democratic Ue sMe de te the city eft of New NewYOTjk NewY01tbe NewYkYOTjk Y01tbe the chances are that the betting bettingwould bettlDcwOGld bettingw41a1dwould be even money instead of 2 to 1 1agataat 1as 1a1agataat a1 Heaivt as the odd oddI od now are areIt areIt areItIt a ad niaMe i however that the sit situatftssi siti t tltuatftssi lt i tIs today is anything but favorable to toM toHili toiM i HeamL tflt His determination to run ta tail ba bad IndsIt dsIt il inndOBt J 1 ll candidates for or senate assem assembly aaeetIIbirr asemt bly t aad ai Congress eas ta New York Couaty Couatyhas Cowtyhhas h raised the fiercest kind of row among amongthe aJIIOn aJIIOnthe amongththe th leaders ea sr ef n the various distxjct dIstt t who whoonaaatad who0MeteI whoonesatedthey though their local tickets would be beDai benet I Inetnet assin 4 > MNted In their hearts the Tam Tammany TammeIiY Tarnniiy many people have no love 18Y ve for Hearst and andis andt1l8 an4ibet1l8 is ibe threatened oppoattien to their tbelrJ cal Jocaltickets calt1 localtketatickets by the Independence I League was wasthe wuilk waxthethe hist straw strawAJMirmutf straw11rlu strawUMruo3AJMirmutf 11rlu liy 1t Revolt HeoUW UevolfWtthte RevoltWItbWtthte W WItb the blat few day dsyx the threatening threateningeftaraeUr tbftatenlnc threateningthaImeftaraeUr c thaIm of the prospective pi H re revolt has hasbe JaubeetI hasbeebeetI be brought t home to Mr Hearst and andhe andhe andhehe has been made tde to realise what a disas disastrous dlsasu disaselect trous u effect such a revolt r would hare upon uponhfci uponhili uponbinbin canse The result of the warnings warningshe warninghe warnlngbehe has received has it to said cawed cawedban caaedhila causedhban h to change his tactics with respect to tothe tothe tothethe sUoation here and it to BOW confi confidently couftdeat17Jftdtct coalldentI dently deat17Jftdtct dentI predict that most of If not all the theIndependence tMJIIdtIJftce thaladedenceIndependence nominations ta New York YorkCounty YorkC4MllltJ YorkCountyCounty win be withdrawn withdrawnThe witbdrawaThe withdrawnTheThe Brooklyn okyn situation however weer grows growsworse VOWSwene growsworkworse evtry day da There floes oex net seex seexa Bee Beea seeIa I chance in the world orId for patching up upthe upthe uptIthe tI fight t between n Hearst and McCarren McCarrenthe McCarnnIthe I he Democratic 4tk leader The breach con continues eonli cnntinues li tinues to widen wWe and all indication point pointoward polarowatll pointowtd> oward the knife The Senator ha ba4 been beenMooted 1 etnGoteA beeniitedMooted GoteA as saying 4jg that Hearst would wouWthe toe toethe Ioethethe bocwash by y 750W 7 Bets of even money moneyie moneytJIe moneyLie L DOW D being made m de that be will lose ta taKtags inKIIIp n nKhsKtags by A It t is ttvtdeftt evident that thatcT4ce bat M JjwtII v vCarrenCarren w4U It leave no stone unturned IIfttu Ded to tobeat toift tobtbeat IIimsMn t ift that territory territoryfi terrtlloryftti terimiryThefi The sfctsaU Wrsi4IssaI 41 sinfasal Iuf of Dr Drt Woods Woodsthe Wendbury Wendburytilethe t s bet rteaotac Ms XMtoM IIIIM by i iinayer the theI theuavsrinayer I indicates tIiMIIcat in a small fl degree degr the bit btttee5st teraeas of f the row When McCarreu McCarreufoassl KcCarreuf IlkIfoassl f out ttaat that the th employes emplo of the de d dat depsttaentin psttaent Haunt at m 1ft Brooklyn were apparently for foeHearst fortet iHearst he dmand 4 dmandod manded d that Superintendent SuperintendentClarke snpertnt SuperintendentCbte nt ntrlIu1ttClarke who had charge of th work r f ftbe fthe tthethe department rtmeI1t in Kings be transferred triuierredsid D8ferftdnd the department pql Dfl1t reorganised m 1ft such suthmaDIIeI suehminermanner that It would be against Hearst lleanlJk HearstMiccarreneMelCamms Jk idea was to put t cne of his hisw biiIt hisWaIt w Wa BKfi ft to Clarke place and make a po political pa paHtkI patki litical tki iicWlie machine of the street cleaning de department de dep drpartment partment te Brooklyn which he could couJ4UIe couldu coulduseuse UIe u against Hearst Hearst Woodbvry however borvtlt howevermes howeverhatteahattea t mes and now Do he is no longer r street streetilcateg steetd streettIvaUId tIvaUI ilcateg eommisstoaer eommisstoaerThis cOIumlsaloaer1UUI3 oanuulsxloaeriasIntfl3iasIntfl3 1UUI3 xu ct Uu ifiitltei ifiitlteiThis tnlg tnlgTIThis is oitfjr one of the many incidents incidentshappening illclMntt incidtntshangt happening I here recently to show the hos hostlWy b0 b0d hoaillttytlWy d to Meant within wldlt the Democratic or orsan orAppureotI7 orcaInntloasan caInntloa rrttoa Apparently no effort is be being bEoiUC beit ing it made here by the regulars to boost boostalong booRahmlr boostilsngalong his cause Tbe Tammany leaders leadersshow haderaw leadersshowshow w no djmtre deatro tt get t out and nd hustle h for forMm torh to tohinTMm h They qare are sitting back wailing waldac for forihe forbe forIihe I be test Ja day on which Independence I ac nom nomination 80Mi1ttoailt acmiIatIol ination i1ttoailt may y be filed filedThere tiledTIIere sledThereThere is trouble too in the thethe league since sincethe sincethethe nnaed rank and file of the orgenteaticn tlcll has liasfound hasf hasfowedfound f out i that it is aVorporatUm a mttlOD and io ioIndependence 101aIIepenc1fJKe o oIndependenceIndependence nemteatioas oomtu toas can l he e made madewithout madewftb madewboutwithout the t consent oI etnt of the executive com committee COIl1n coinndt4ee mittee n tt which to controlled c ntro ed absolutely by b bMt bMrMr Hearst HearstMaay BeantiI Hearsttt Maay of these memocrs relying on onat ont onatat t Mr Hearat said hist Iaa fall about aboutTammany outHall aboutTainasnyTammany Hall and Its leader wish to tocut tocut tocutcut loose enUrely from Charles F 0 Mur Murpby Murphy MurphIphI and run Independent h t tickets In everydistrict The commission which was sent sentto sentto senttto t wait on Mr Hearst Bee about this phase phaseof phasetof t the campaign ca got bat scant courtesyftpcat mbIm him Prom the way they were weretreated wereILis weretreatedtreated it ILis is judged that there t wfil be bevery bevetY beveryvery few Independence Ioo p candidates ndJdat8 in i the ther3d51 1hfC r3d thin tW faD In Manhattan and the theMelquitiprsBronx BnuJIqulIhs19 JIqulIhs l a Na N 5 only Is the local organisation not notpttfttas notforth 70 70peWagpttfttas forth any efforts to Oven the theUgn thcNt thecn4gncn4gn Ugn hut the State commission of ofWiBiam ofJ ofwhhiwhhi WiBiam J Connors of Buffalo Is bthe IsU Isthethe chairman shows absolutely no signs signsof signsofof We e and the handsomely furnished furnishedheadquarters f1Jll1iahedin furnishedboaheadquarters boa in theziuirters Victoria have ve come cometo ccuetoile cometoto toile be looked upon as a joke joIE No Demo Democrats Democraa Dcmocrnts crats caB caD and no I information about the theraiapajg theI thecnnipaigqraiapajg I can be obtained tbere tberete tberea thereInte spite of all these drawbacks and andOBvhavua andMr and4nnbiMaOBvhavua aim signs Mr Hearst him h1meIf beoa beouklng ssaking wonderful won l rful progress progr with the thevoters thete theStatnvoters UpState Statn te He is practically mak making makina maki1 ing i1 the campaign JII alone as all the pro people propie pie want wntt to see and hear him His vari varioua yajonoua 0 on Crips have disclosed dl that he Is un unusoaHy un unusuaII7 onusimilyusoaHy strong in manufacturing nutacturinc towns townsand tow towaaI townsandand that many Republican worktogmea worktogmeawho workingn workingnwhowho voted for WcKtoley and Roosevelt Booseveltf Roof aN going to cast their ballots Uota for him himTjer himaie himThereThere are aie several wral spots ts in the rural re reSVSBS re retoo reglansSVSBS too too where the Republican defec defection tion to Hearst is large largeTfce largeTheThe Republicans R blicall8 have become somewhat somewhatasBnaed 80IDewlaatby somewhatabzmadasBnaed by the th teroads Mr Hearst is isroakteg Isngroakteg ng tato to their territory upState and andaa u treat t cry against overconfidence has hascoaia haslrom baacucmcoaia from headquarters Even Mr MrNulHughes has warned his followers against againstthe egalustthethe ancient enemy enemyge enemygenmal general enl apathyThe TIIeIt Tbe too the tb numerous factional fights fightswltsjin ihuthe lightswithinwithin the party throughout tbe State Stateare StateI Stateareare fjjytas the managers ma ra something to toworrr to1NIIJ toII worrr about It te noticed oth that many manyofr of the old war horses Inetodinsr Lou LoPfayae eKGov eI lOv OdeHTand Odell and RaHroad Com Comratasftimer ComI CornaIsimratasftimer I aIsim Armstrong AnDIItJo are ar not taking takingBMBeft takln takln1IIteft8tBMBeft 1 aiterest 4erest to the campaign It is es ea O OhowevertiEaatfd however that their activity activityweaM a ttltyweaM actually ally help Mr Hearst There The Thea is isa Isaa strotg tru feeling feelin on both sides againstboapas IB thfc st Stat StatftJt state stateAttckt4 t tAitAit Attckt4 ftJt nclCM c Hearst lira r t CfirporntioiiM CfirporntioiiMMeMe M Bughes 4 ot home Omf this tbJ mgrning m mlng from fromMa tromutp fromhisMa ttfp ttp upState and he h will start to tomorrow tomoIn tomonnw morrow moIn to make nl e a aserirs series s of o speeches s hea in inCONTINTED 11 11O InCOSTINL1CONTINTED O TI PED ON o THIRD 1ACE 1ACEWide lAC lACt1 1tlVidcWide t1 Boards t 2 Per 1OO ft ftLumber ftI ftLuiilerI Lumber Trust Trn t Brokriu Brokriutty BroktuCO flrokt ii iiLvyLvy tty Co 5th lh st and N Y aveWEATHER FORECAST FORECASTFor FORECASTFor FORECASTForFor the District of Columbia ColumbiaMaryland ColumbiaMaryland ColumbiaMarylandMaryland and Virginia Vir nia fair fairtoday fairtoday fairtodaytoday with slowly rising temper temperature temperilture temperjtture ature ilture Tomorrow partly doudy doudylight doudyligbt cloudylightlight variable winds windsHERALD windsI windsHERALD windsHERALDIHERALD NEWS SUMMARY SUMMARYLOCAL SUMMARYLOCAl SUMMARYLOCMLOCAL LOCALSpeaker LOCAlSpeaker LOCMSpeakerSpeaker Cannon aflflON sees the President PresidentRockefeller PIWIdeatreal PresidentBigBig real estate te deal Sa SaRodtde ptegreas ptegreasRocicefeflerRockefeller er gives stv 3MH to Colored Y TfM YC YhiM C A AStogers A AxgnrsStogers xgnrs ra Ara to erect statue tae to tSftet Haaidfi HaaidfiStreet HaidetJUeetStreet car conductor Attempts suicide suicidePOLITICAL AleNePOLITIOAI mdddePOLITIOALPOLITICAL POLITICALNew POLITIOAINew POLITIOALNewNew York campaign campa1 nearing eritfosJ eritfosJpoint CrtIIOtNe eddnaln eddnalNepoint pointN nN Ne currency reform wanted sayc ys ysRepientadve Cka CkaM CkaRepresentative OmRatlveMRepresentative Watson w says ya RapMhM RapMhMcaas n nca 11coltenascaas ca will win In West WeatTELBGKAPIIIC WestPlL1tGltAPIIIc Nt NtTTELBGKAPIIIC TELBGKAPIIICUTrtte T PlL1tGltAPIIIcWhite LBGUPIIIC1IIteWhite 1IIte Sox are champlowi ctuuafII of the world worldOne w4OMOne 0 hundred thousand te riot at sirace iarl iarlrace 1I tcracerace eewcve eewcveAutos cowcwe1Itos cowneAutosAutos 1Itos dash along moaatam ledaje e1IIefatal with withfatal wKhfatalfatal remits remitsAmerican JMIIItLJft1lean resultsAmericanAmerican Bankers Asaodatfoa A ATuMday MBJUI MBJUITuesday els elsTueMayTuesday TuesdayNegro TuMdayNeP TueMayNegroNegro NeP tenement house ta New York Yorkset YedEBet Yerksetset on lire two twoPQPEg dead deadPOPES deadPOPESPOPES PHYSICIAN PHYSIQIAN IS ILL ILLDr ILLDr ILLDrDr Inppmii Dcitite Serious Afllic Aflhlelion Aflliction A lic licIIlion lays Uf4 Regular Vlnlts VlnltsRome YIdtooR YIMItNRomeRome Oct 14 HThe The diagnosis of the thefitness tiletneu thePlacesfitness tneu of Dr Lapponi the Popes Pope phy physician pIIyIIidaa physiclan sician does not make mak he Is suffering from cancer or ulceration ulcerattenofof the stomach but be ne will be operated operatedupon ope operatedupon ted tedupoaupon at the end of the month Although Althoughhehe is weak and generally keeps to tobed his hisbed hi hibedbed bed he continues to visit the Pope twice twiceweekly twicey twiceHeweekly weeklyHe yHe requested that the reports of the thePopes thePo1sPopes mbeaHh eb denied He Hethat declared declaredthat declaredthatthat aR traces of his h1 hetteesT gout have havedisappeared havesincedisappeared Pred since May Maylie May1Ielie exercises twice dafiy walking over overfive ewerftftlll oervefive ftftlll ve miles ta the Vatican gardens rden The Theaudiences TIleaucUences Theaudiencesaudiences he gives vn serve as a diversion diversionand diversionsadand do not fatigue him He Jokingly Jokinglyscolds jokinglyscoldsscolds Dr Lappotti instating Mutt t tntta his hisvMts hisvIsitsvIsits should lM uId be discontinued Yesterday Yesterdaybebe said You arc the patient doctor not noti50000 notI1 I150000 GIFT FROM BRIBE BRIBEBertha HRrDEBertha BRIDEBerthaBertha Krupp Will Give Wearkaui Wearkauilarge W Workmtia1rge rkmeJ rkmeJLargelarge Sum on Wedding Day DayLieut DiyIIt IMyLieutLieut IIt ut v tUI n Hohleu the Ilrid IIridcroii IIridcroiiWas irrooin irrooinVa roulIIWas Va Once Tlilrrt Seeretnry Seretar eeretair of the thenvriiiiin theGermannvriiiiin Mniin Umlmllt Hiiilnssy Ny In Thlw City CityBerite Cit CitBerlinBerlIn L be divided tomorrow to amoag aO the 3ft 3ftworkmen iOlN iOlNworkmenworkmen at the Jtrapp Works s at Exam Essenta E8arnha ExamInta honor of die weddia wedIIJ Wedding g ol Bertha B rtha Krvpp Krvppaad Krvppsdaad d Dr Gostav von Bohlen and andbeck rljl rljlbachf bach 1ie he couple 001I coe were wm marifctf I1rk civiBy civiBytake hiJl hiJlWtwWtw T 1SW rsiis YioSyutll YioSyutllikke fwttake JBBW re to emorw morrow Ah01lo when Emperor EmperorWBltan EmperorWBMunf William WIll be tieI present presentWasbtegton t tWxbkigtonIWasbtegton Vf OD society and high eudaidom eudaidomte eta Wo1a Wo1adeeplYte deeply Interested te the weuding u4ins of ofLieut ofUevt ofLIeitLieut Gustav yen BohJeti Hohie and Balbach Balbachland BalbacbIj land I and Franleto J ra ID Bertha Krupp daughter daughterij i of the tlse dead cannes ea Mas IdII king of Germany Germanywhich G maur1I1clJI I which 1I1clJ ta to take ptece today at Essen EssenGermany EcmnII Germany Lieut von Bohlen Do Is l wen well remembered rememberedby mbend mbend1Jyby the older social set here having been beenvery beenvery beenveryvery popular while stationed > at the tilemaR Oerr Oerrman Germanman Embassy here as third tblnlTllat secretary secretaryThat secretaryhatThat hat was In JIlt 18 almost twenty years yearsasjo JeaI8aID yearsvanasjo aID veil Bohlen at that time being about aboutnineteen aIIoutnIaeteftI aboutnineteennineteen years old None of the serve secrctaries erftta servetaricstaries ta or attaches who served with him himwfette biBIWbtIe himwhilewhile fee was doing duty here are to be befound beat betoundfound at tile German Embassy now bar having barlag v vIIIIIee lag since laces promoted and ad transferred transferredtoto other mats ta various pans of the theworld tileworN theweddworld worldYoung worNYoaar weddYomYoung Yom von Bobtens grandfather was wasn WallaD wasanaD > n officer on the Northern side during duringthe duI1Dsthe duringthethe civft war Some of his drsreiidnntis drsreiidnntisnow deseendantsnow d dJtOWnow tare hr in Ph Philadelphia The Halbach Halbachgrandfather HaJbaebt ialbchgrandfathergrandfather made a fortune In this coun country coutrY country ttry and took it back to Baden bill native nativecountry Dativeeot nativecountrycountry eot when be again In returned to Ocr Germany QerJDa81 Ocrmany many JDa81FIGHTFIGHT FOR 50000000 50000000IVlnlerWalker 50000000fernlier 50000000WlNteralerIVlnlerWalker fernlier Will 111 Content Confc t 3I Jflt JfltOllcn 3InOpcii y yOpenOpen To TOthl I y at It t Philadelphia PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia IlIllnlclphiaPhiladelphia IhllntlelphlnPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Oct 14 14Tbe The light for formWjm tortoO forleftmWjm toO left b > William Wetalitman Wetalitmanthe WelPtIIuu1thethe chemist may 7 begin tomorrow Both Bothsides Bothf Bothsidesf sides ta the WbterWalker will contest contestdeclare eontntdeclare contestdeclaredeclare ttat they are ready to proceed pmsce to totrial toMrs1 trial trialMnt trialMMrs M Aatde As Welejitmaa Walker ihe be next nextrirbeat MXrtr nex nexrtehstrirbeat rtr wonna 1fOIInAta te tho tb > world after Bertha BertbaKruPP BerthaKriiw BerthaKrnppKrnpp and HotLy ijrwn a will f arrive to tomorrow t tmorrow I morrow to defend the fortune left by byher byherher father fatherBesides fatherBesidesI fatherherBesides her ta the court wilt be Mia MiaRicnard JI JII MrsRichardRichard Meir daughter of Mrs Jon JonWlster 1 1Wl Jouni JouniWlsterI Wlster Wl ter who brought the suit suitMrs salti suith1isMrs Meir sides with Mrs ra Walker Walkeragainst Walkeragainst aJker aJkerupiagainst up her IK r mother and if the case ca goes goeson 8OtSIton 5 trial some racy disclosures dbclosu are prom prumtwd promSHIlS promhedtwd twdWAS hedWARWAS SHIPS BECOME E OBSOLETE OBSOLETERrltisli OBSOLETEii Rrltisli lint rltisIa IIi Admiralty AiIiii l1mlrult Irni ty Plans PIn to Condemn CondemnTwelve Contlcmnt CojideninTwelvetTwelve FlKhtiiiK Vessels VesselsLondon VesselsLondonLondon LoIwIoII Oct 15 ISoThe The Standard asserts assertsthat Uaerts Uaertsthat kasertsthatIthat the admiralty admlralt intends to pay pa off offeight offI citeighteight t first class battle ships and four fourarmored touranaoreI armored cruisers and to strike eight eightfirst ehtant eightfirstfirst class battle ships from the theCOiD sea aeagoing seagoinggoing Bat before the end of the theyear Uteear theyearyear ear The result of this will be that the theships theahI theshipsships ahI to home aDd near waters will num numoer numfrom flowberber oer from coin eighteen to twenty battle 1IaUI nhtps nhtpsinstead nhipxInstead hip hipbaBteadinstead of twentyfour and eight instead insteadofof twelve armored cruisers tt I18en There win winbe wiDbe willbebe five ftveilsbJ18 ships In n the Mediterranean quad squadron quadtrengtrt uad uadIronIron ron I Initedi of seven Tbus the wagolng wagolngtrentlt saongstrengthstrength of the t he Jteet 1I et t will be reduced reducedI ndacedabout redtieedaboutI about onefourth onefourthTHKEE ODefo onefourthTnEE th thTBEETHKEE XTTJ KTT1n T IS WBE WBELlendon WBEOK WBEOKlImulon vREcJKRendonLlendon Collision of Two Ifreight IfreightTraiiiM l PreihtTrnliis rCi ltt lttTritiUMTraiiiM in South Curolina CnrolinaWlnnsboro CurolinaWlnnsboro CurolinaWlnnsboroWlnnsboro S C Oct 14 14As Aa the re result re reI 1wsuit suIt of a headon ht > adcn collision between be wteft two twofreight twofrfght twofreightIfreight traiiis on the Southern Railway RiiBwaytoday RailwaytodayI today the crew of one of the trains was waskilled waakilled waskilledkilled Three of the crew of the other othertrain othertrain othertraintrain were seriously injured injuredThej The deid dt are areD areaI are areID a M DIXON DIXO riwhHtnr riwhHtnriIi I J T McIHERSOX tBginnT tBginnTHAKRY t1g t nttTI g ietr ietrlititRiHAKRY UA1KS Ais nmis ftMUn ftMUnThe flrsnThe n nTheThe wreck WHS W a caused I by the failure of the operator at Colum Columbia CoIumbta Columbla bia to deliver orders to t one oJe of the freight freighttrains feighttrains freighttrainstrains trainsII j Something SOn1ltllln SOn1ltlllnITh New Aevrf NewrherITh rher r1 It kt Hot1 nlg lignt nt evcr niShl nighifiutU1 f fiutU rum 38 a to 12 1 oclockflAtu FIRED BY BYPARIS P RI MOD100000 ill Racetrack Riot RiotDestroy RiotDest1oJ RiotDestioyDestroy Betting Bootlis BootlisHMDBED 3ootiisThJNDRED II IIHHMDBED H REDPERSONSllURT REDPERSONSllURTFight PERSONS HURT HURTFight IITJRTFig1itFight mill ith Authorities at tt Long Longchonips LongChalllS LongCllftllhlSchonips Lasts Four Hours HoursGrowl lIonrsOrowd hoursOroslGrowl ain lncJtlellCil l lciie I liy 1t Favorite Favori te Being liclngLeft UclnJIcf BeingLeftLeft Icf nt the 1oNt I oHt Seize 3Ioiiey IOIH of ofHookinakcrN orUool ofIlookinakerMHookinakcrN Uool mnkcrM nnd Pigrht Each Other Otherin OtherIII OluirIin I a Their Frenzy IlrenzInJllouH IrcuzyPa Pa mo iiois UN Guer GucrrlllnH GuerrllInH GuervirlllnH vi has Lend cntl in AttacU AttnelJloneScntterecl At AttnelJlone taclMonerScattered Monej MonejScatteredScattered In All Dlrectioiu DlrectioiuParis DlrcctiollliPula DirectiozoParParis Par OctJ Oct 14 14Tbe The first real riotous riotoustmaesttaUon rtotolllUoa riotousemistkatIontmaesttaUon Uoa in I France since the riots rtoUof rIo rIoof riotsofof J May ay 1 hurt ut as took place bt Ute Long Ixwgchamps 1 1c Longchampchamps c Aace Course eotaraetlala this aiteraeon terMOtt and anda aAda andaa a result fighting hours between the authorities and a mob mobof mobof mobofof frantic people and more than ItS 1 per persons perIIOIIS perSons sons injured several veral fatally fatallyMen fatallyleR fatallyMenMen and women woaaep were assaulted utted and in injured IDJured Injured jured shots were fired reJ and the sob ta tathe Sathe Inthethe excess a ot its fury resorted te teeen teeendkurlmn llleendIarItIID lacesdiarisnidkurlmn burning the betting booths boothatwlee and aadtwice andtwicetwice aUeiatxtag te set fire to the thestand grand grandstand grandstand stand standThere standTherestandThereThere were probably MMM persona pef1OI at atthe cUthe althethe race course when the t tb racing began beganIt bepaItIt was a crowd typical o o ParMaa life lifemen Ute Utemea Iltenienmen mea women WOIDeB and children dressed In tetheir InUlleit intheirtheir beat and apparently canefree and andbent aDdIImt andbentbent on mak making the most of the days dayshcUday dayshcilday s sbcllclahcUday bcllcla being there thereThe tlaereThe thereTheThe cause of die rioting was wa tbe crowds crowdsbelief crowd crowd1Iet crowdshehefbelief 1Iet that there had been a false start startWhen atartWbeD startWhenWhen this belief spread which it did didtike didtlke didiketike an electric shock shorkUae ike people seemeJ seemeJto isemelmed J Jtto t go mad but with a clear elftupu and definite definitepurpose dedaftepurposepurpose pu namely to wreak wreaktbP veasjeaawe on onthe onthethe managers of the races and a the oper operators arperatonl er eraWls aWls of the betting system the Pam PamMutual PamutuaL PartsMutuaLMutual Mutualj utuaLutuaLIfnj Piivorlle Ifn orlte lLft I 1Ot f nl u POM POMThe lutTIK iostTheThe trouble started iarted when the third t race racewas 1LeClIIed racewaswas called Only three horses got away aWafTbotIe awayThose awayThoseThose left at the post Included the fa favorite favortt Invorite vorite The start wa w so patenUr palaM palaMID lake lakein JaJveII in public aumadDn estimation that tbe people sup supposed suppolled supthe posed toe horses would be betlds recalled bat batthis butthisthis was tae not done and as soon as the thespectators thespectato theectatoraspectators ectatora realised that there was w te waIe waIerecall be beno beftno ft menu recall those In the t e grandstand be became be became became came extremely excited and those ta the theI theknmI knm tennenac u field seemed to go wild As A one onemas onetile onePonumas the crowd cried Catch the robber robberThose elTIaeIIe robherTheseThose hi the field Id made a rush for the themany LIaeBY themanymany BY betting tine booths which form praet praetaU practt practteallyiemlly aU eally one tending to the field aeId1I4 aeId1I4ed and demand demanded demandtd ed their money They The contented them themirlves tItftRJIfJveII themPcveairlves Pcvea with demanding only onl moateataiHy moateataiHythen etItaJ momeetaiUythen IbI then th they the stormed the booths act tam tbiaoa tamI theisonI oa file and assailed their occupants occ Men Menand 118and Menandand inraiiB J INN INNb re e tes knd ad down end endbird SJM t m mMedMed over each ate other otherThe otherTbe 1 1TIleTIle men about the booths were seem seemingly seembigly bigly 1 crazy cru or druak and waved ov over ovtftheir overtheir c ctbehrtheir beads great rolls of bank It notes noteswhich DOtewhkh noseswhichwhich had been taken from the cashiers cashiersThe ruIdenLTbe ceablernTheThe sight made the crowd worse than thanever UaaAner thaneverever They overpowered the booth b keep keepera keepfin keeperaera both tallymen and cashier cashierBills rash rashBOlaBills 80 and gold and silver pieces DeW newin DeWIn DewInin all direction scrambled for the th money and many were wereinjured WeI WeIeanwhUe were1nSure4injured Meanwhile eanwhUe the fire spread The Thecrowds Thecrowda Thecrowdscrowds ta the grandstand were also alsomded alaIqMIed alsobutqMIed mded but were somewhat ie ieThey less vie vtot vientnt t They demanded their money at the thebooths Utebootba theboosbsbooths and denounced the Societe dEn dEaconragement dbeoatIIPI1IeDt dEncouragementconragement which controls an sport ta taFrance IaF inranceFrance F rance threatening legal I IGcrrilln proceedings proceedingsGuerrilla proceedingsGiicrrlllzssGuerrilla Take a Hand HandWhile lIunclWbBe lIitiIWhileWhile doing this a gang of the famous famoasGuerrillas flDOMGuen1Uas famousGuerrillasGuerrillas of Paris who congregate at atthe atthe atthethe track made an assault alt on the pace pacewhere peace pJaecwbeft peacewherewhere the mutual are sold and aDdtII although akhovghthe althoughthethe mm ta diIIaIP charge tried te every way wayto wayto waytoto secrete their money they failed and andthe aacIthe andthethe crowd succeeded ef414 In getting sett away with withTwice withTwice withTwiceTwice flames mes started ia the cheaper cheaperpart cheaperirtpart of the grandeta Kn grandstand papers being to encourage the Barnes lames but the stand standwas standwaswas not burned When rhen the firemen firemenreached liremenreacIed Ireached the > scene Ute infuriated mob mobwould moltwoald mobwouldwould not let them reach tbe burning burningbooths burningbooths Ibooths boothsThe boothsTheThe mob cat the harness of the horses horsesattached HneaaUaebe4 horsesattached Iattached to the fire engines and the theanimate theanimalsanimate whfc wider were at high tension and andfrightened andfrightened Ifrightened by the screams galloped across acrossthe aetOllathe acrosstheI the course They rushed uncontrolled Into hitothe Intothe intothethe dense crowd crowd bearing bearl dowiFmany per persons persons sons sonsThe 80 sonsIi I The police and d gendarmes were power powerleaI lless lea They were treated by the crowd crowdI crowdalmostj almost the same as the bet takers and andt andseveral It several of them were injured I Jurfd before re re retIiforeciiintS Ijtttforoenynts I tIiforeciiintS 111Orte nls arrived The police poJi nuthor IutborI tuthoritIjitlo I iU ov OIJt1Pd Jfr d the mc r1 I I day da hut the crowd refused to go home homeOrtfer bornfOrtler homeOr4erOrtfer nt I lnst ast Restored RestoredIn tcNforclJIIn the meantime aid was summoned summonedfrom uJlllIIOIlecltroID xwnmtjedfromfrom the city ttt M Leptae prefect eet of ofpoHee ofpollee i iII pollee arrived and the crowd cheered cheeredhim cheeredbIrD cheeredhimhim bIrD but even from him they demanded demandedI clemandHj demandedthatI that be refund their money M II Lestoe Lestoerestored Lenerestored I Irestoredrestored order His reenforcements ta stow stowjly siowyjly i IT y and an with diMcuity dlae lt forced the th erewd erewdfrom eroidfrom 1 1fromfrom the field but not before tbe iron ironchairs mI Ironcheirschairs the t be women had occupied had been beenburied be beenhurled n nii buried even at the ooHcemea ooHcemeaDtorm noilcemesDtorm IDtorm was the favorite te the betting bettingMonsieur betthagMonsieur I IMonaleurMonsieur Pericnoa woo wooThe woosThe iThe mutuate had begun to pay beta at4 to 1 on Monsieur Perichon Perich when the therioters therIoteJ1l theriotersrioters got the upper band bandThe bandTheI The fire had destroyed every one of the theseventyfive tbElIevetltyftve theseventyftveseventyfive booths and te tall tower towerwhere towerI towerwherewhere the races are bulletined before fore It Kwas Itwas itwasI was got under control The Tb damage damageamounts daJDaaeII amounts to SKwe SKweThe lfft lfftThe H HTheIThe pool sellers said that only 1206 1206jwas S2efjwas 12 12wasjwas was stolen atol n by the rioters bat repart resortplaces repartpIaC8 repartplacesplaces the money tarn lost as high as as9W asi asI9W 9Wjj I It was the worst outbreak oatbre 1t that ever oe oejcurred eti ocenviedjcurred i envied oa this the greatest great race rleeIn coarse coarsein courseInin France There was a similar one at atColombiaI Jcolombea Colombia Sixteen ixteeDnus years ago and ODe since sinceStreet ab1ftat sinceatat VIDetnntI VIDetnntIt VInetnncStreetStreet Str t Cter Kills Child ChilliKew ChIllI ChIllINew ChildNewtNew York York Oct 14 14AJnaJ Alexander w P Me MeGrath Iei McGrathi Grath a fouryearold child eJttW of 399 West WestNinetyeighth W We WeNinetyeighth esl eslNtnetetpthNinetyeighth street 8t t was run over r aDd aDdlustaAtty andInstantlyi instantly killed by a street car r todayj The motorman James Jam Boyle was as are arrHl arrHled areed sii ed After tb the r accident ar gathered gteredandland i and threat were Wff made to lynch In h the mo motorman mof mototmaa motorantorman tormanI totmaaAntI torantrniyI f Army AntI Cnptain lnln a T bot Ac ACjtlIt Acjuittel AcjuittelManila jnl eil eilt eilManila II IIIanl1at Manila Oct 15 15Capt Oapt Ira L 1 Freden Fredeni Fredenalall Fredentialii dnll of tJi tl Quartc Q Quartumistcrs lartcrmasttrII rmnstors Departtetnt 1 1 S A who his l Ji l trialXK en n on before bet are a aKiiri atU aertuurtiaII tU ertuurtiaI Kiiri ctmrtial uirtial charged with the misap misappropriation misappropelatlon Ipropriation of the funds of the depart department epart epartmeontI ment wi wlh h which he is credited has been beenacquitted beenacquitted I Iacquittacquitted acquittedIf acquitt > d dIfIf you are > thinking of life 11 insurance insurancevy insurancpwy insurancevyvy i > > u he e h 11 fliV iY I x x xfttcKiflrptts fttc Uenural Gln 1 AjenU cnU JCi X > Ovlorai vlon vlont vioiol vioiolLt bW W IMONUMENT TO BURGLAR BURGLAR BTJRGIARStone BURGLARStoneStone Krecte Over Crave of Man Mantilled Jlnu1ilc1 ManICilleltilled Vhile llolililn llolililnSt UOlthlng UOlthlngStSt Albans Vt OcV Oc 14 ItIn In the Httk Httkcemetery Uttl Uttlcemetery lIttIcemeterycemetery at Sheldon Sheld n nveatone 2a gravestone veatone Taut Tautjust he hejust u ujutjust been erected beiping L this ins insrIp insrIption rliv rtpt rlivtiontion t n I ItUnknowntionIJnknown tUnknown nCDknOWD man snot fa In Jennisen Ic Gal Gallup Gallup Gallop lup Companys store while burglarising burglarisingthe burglal1s11l1tbee bwg1ariaiathesafethe tbee safe on tbe night of October 13 13This U UTbta l lThisThis stone which cost 2fr was erected erectedby erectedby erectedbyby George I L Stebbens Ste selectman of the thedown tbetow thetowndown tow as administrator of the dead seedestate mam mamestate 1D1Dleestate le At the time tIfl1 of hN death cIe lb JUS US U was wasfound waf wasfooiidfound f on the burglar Of thin tbi sum fo fohas tit ii iihas >has 118 been n used for barkti b8r1al gravest craveaLne ne an a anl anlsettlement oI oIllettle > l lsettlementsettlement tent ef the estate The Tb renviinde renviindewill remabdewill remIridewiltwill be hell bel In trust by the town of ofSheldon ofSbeldOll ofSheldonSheldon for seventeen years y and at ateed the theend theredend of that period if no legal heir ap appears ap appun nppears pears to claim it It the money moDe goes to the thetown dIPto tIntowntown totownBANDITBANDIT KILLS WATCHMAN WATCHMANAfter v ATCH rAN rANrtcrAfter rtcr Aiicmptliiir tCIl1Jtt1u to Hold Un Streot StreetCar StreotCur StreotCarCar lie Slay SIR While hn Piecing PiecingSan IPIeeinJSaD iPlecingSanSan Francisco Oct 14 RIn In Oakland Oaklandthis 0aJdaDdthla Oaklandthisthis morning a footpad attempted to hold holdup holdup holdLipup a street car carL cart He shot and fatally fatallywounded fatall fatall1V0UQde4 fatallywoundedwounded John 1L TeDDY the motor motorman motorman motormanman and a block farther away a way in his hisflight hisftJ hisflightflight be met William P Trubedy a anight anlabf anightnight nlabf watchman tchman whom be shot dead deadA de decJeRrlpUon deadAA description of the bandit It fits lit that of ofthe erthe ofthethe burglar who rpcentty shot Policeman PolicemanHodgkras PolteemanHod FolleenanHodgklnsandHodgkras Hod Hodgklnsand NINE DIE IN ERENCH WRECK WRECKHnllrond WRECK WREOKUnllrotul WRECKltailroa1Hnllrond Collision CIIi lolt xt Rnerxoii In InjureM 111JurCH hijurejureM lHcfecii Otliern OtliernParis OtherPan OtlierNParisParis Pan Oet 44 1tNIae Nine persons were killed kiBcdaad kIIWad killedandad nineteen injured te a railroad ran eol eolUskm coItocIa7 collIstenlIsten today at Epernon EIienI Department of ofForte of1fu ofutForte ut et Loire L9Ift Th Tb tram tramat was standing standingat tadIgatat the station suatJ n when a locomotive dashed dashedinto dulledRES dashedhitsinto it itSCORES ItSOORESFIREI FIREIfvoSCORES RES SAVED AT FIRE FIRETwo FIRETwoTwo Negroes Dead eadin in luceii luceiicliary IllecnHary Iiicmidiarydiary Blaze in New York YorkLIVES YorltLIVES YorkLIVESLIVES OP QF 125 1 ENDANGERED ENDANGEREDcnoiHtftit ENDANGEREDIcllo ENDANGEREDleneIleitIcllo leneIleit cnoiHtftit nt IfllleiL vrim 1111 McepIiiK Hu Huitinitity 1111nmult ItiJIIILIIlt3itinitity nmult Set on oiil1i1iIILOZ I ltreIfulielKrlckun ltreIfulielKrlckunInnmclO Ire Pftnieytriclcoii PftnieytriclcoiiInInnmclO In mat eh of Oi u tJij > B lIwIldIiig llcHlty Ileult It Saveil Sit t fey > the thctirChum thctirChum18H I irnttjiian trcnicn trcnicn3lHMy3lHMy ian OvercMinie veronne roeJtl Ity 1t J tIe SmokQ SmokQKew SmolcNew iiolrq iiolrqewMorwNew ew York T Oct 1C lTwo Two negroes are aredead aprdeeddead and test probably fatally fatall hart huJt huJttbeftRIt aa aathe asthereauktbeftRIt the result of am tacendtery flre that start started etaJtEd started ed in the cellar of the fivestory 8ftStOJTment trm trmment tesewentment house at S Christopher street Just Justafter Jaatafter justafterafter deyaght t sunday The lIves of ofI m mtemaiea 1 1Imontetemaiea I were endangered by b tbe fire sad aadthe aMI sadthethe firemen made many DWQftYJ thriUteg uetnti proceesThedeed uetntiTheTbearraade The Thedeed ThedeedgnA dead deadCTTAI CTTA DC LYOX ferttMwa faIU faIUftVII peers aT asjs asjsmJTH a a4UYTWmJTH TYSOX ft tmiMtt bI twyiven ii a ymn cm d f fThe n nTheserloindyI The Theserloindy TheserloindyLottie seriously Int IntLouie 1pI1 1pI1IAUJe >Louie Smal llmnJnhltIt ikiae cr naia W IIUDaM W fcin fcinvTultaasavTultaasa nhltIt aad Ruth utb Baker Bakeri BaIIerThe aIier aIierThei The house In which the fire started arteda te teI IsaI a human beehive more than fifty fami famiUes faIIII11M familieslies being domiciled there As anal usual the theflre the11ft theOreOre escapes were useless betas cluttered clutteredupop with household utensils uteUk Ac c Lorenxo LorenxoMiller reMoUlft LorensoMillerMiller > Ulft living oa the ground floor smell smelled smelled 11 11fIded smoke aDd Jumping JumP from his bed ran ranaroundaround the corner to the house boueCompuy of Engine EngineCompany EngineCompanyCompany No tt JI on West Teath street streetand streetandand gave the alarm alarmVainly aJanDYulnC alarmVainlyVainly YulnC Try Tr to Get OH OHBefore ORt ORtBeforeBefore the engine en company caxapsayscene reached rucW tbe tbescene tbtIICeDescene the tb windows of the tbeere big stiuctuie stiuctuiewere stmuctwwwerewere ere filled with a terrified horde of ofhumanity etburaaaltymen ofhumaitymenhumanity buraaaltymen men women and children In tetheir Intheir intheirtheir night t robes shrieking and vainly vatalytrying va vat1Bc vainlytryingtrying to make then way to the street streetA 8tftetcIOubIe streetAA doable alarm was turned te Ia and the themembers tbememlten themembersmembers of Engine Company No IS ISsetalng B Bthetr 1 1seiningseining their scaling ladder Ia4Wers started In teto Into Intoto get the people out outFiremen ouLPIreJIMD outFiremenFiremen Robinson and Hateta climbed climbedto e eto climbedtoto tbe fifth floor and wedged te the win wtedow wtadow windowdow found Mamie de Williams W overcome by bysmoke tyt bysmokesmoke t and unconscious She weighs weWbatIIaa Bftra Bftrathan awpthanthan 3 pounds but the firemen Marte Martedown atrt atrtdown started starteddowndown the ladder with her herAs herAs herAsAs they reached the level of the fourth fourthfloor fourtbftoor fourthdoorfloor Ruth Tyson who had got out on a afire atr alirefire escape became panicstricken not notwithstanding notwlthstandJnc notwithstanding withstanding that help was wa near and andJumped nodjumped andjumpedJumped from tbe structure e Her body bodystruck bodystruck bodystruckstruck Ute two firemen ft n who were carry carrying carryme carrylag lag the Williams Witt tarns woman down and for fora fura foraa time it seemed ch4Ded that they would follow followthe followtile followthethe Tyson woman W01ban to the pavement below belowThey belowThey belowTheyThey managed na to regain their grip on onthe onthe onthethe sealing ladder and on their burden burdenalthough I ur4eQ31tIIoucb burdetsalthoughalthough badly shaken by tbe fatting fattingwoman Jcwoman falIk falIkwomanwoman womanIHCf4 womanliDiet li After Aftcr Being ItCKcncdr ItCKcncdrThey UClllcuet1Thty ItcacuedTheyThey landed the Williams WOIIIait woman oa oathe 011tbe onthethe pavement pb t and went backto the upper aapcrstory PtlMOlT upperstorystory where they thfY the with the assistance tueeof tueeofolber pf pfother of ofotherother firemen a who were oa ttre t BCrae BCraerescued seencreeued IIP IIP1IfJdrescued 1IfJd aO of the other inmates of that thatfloor thatftooI thatDoorfloor HalpIn brought down Etta d cJ Lyon 100who Lyonwho Lyonwhowho was wa unconscious front smoke emoke but butstie bqtt1e butsitesite died before tl l tli II > ambulance amb arrived arrivedThe allW allWThe arrivedTheThe firemen tire carried ctrri d fifty fiftyIeIIIOII8 persons to the thestreet thestreet thestreetstreet some of the 1 scues being thrilling tbrUMnftete the extreme extremeAll fxtnmcAU extrenwAUAU of those hurt received their injuries injuriesby Iadurieaby injuriesbyby being overcome o m by smoke and a falling faHbaChJe fallingwhile fallingwhilewhile hJe trying to make their way to the thestreet tM8tret testreetstreet by way of the fire escapes escapesThe NeaIIThe escapesTheThe police and the fire fi marshal are con conducting eonductJnc conducting ducting nn n investigation tnvtSti tIoII to fix the re responsiblUty re reswnslblJlty yesponsibilitysponsiblUty for the fire It is alleged that thatformer thatfrmer thatformerformer tenants had bft l threatened to let letand geteven get geteveneven and the t 1e e police are ttsw trying b7tna1O b7tna1Olocate to tolocals tolocatelocate them themThe themThe themTheThe proprrty rty loss by the fire fly will not notexceed tOtex notexceedexceed exceedMilwaukee 1 1JroIICIPAL ise iseMUNICIPALMUNICIPAL PLJdT A FATIiiitE FATIiiitEl1I1Iwattltet FAiIC FAiICMllwatilroeMilwaukee Tires Tlr of O On Owiieraltp vnerxltip anti andIVawtM antiVaxt anti1VatisIVawtM Vaxt C Contract ntmct Garlicffe OarltC System SystemMltwattkee SHtenKllw S7steniMIIwskeeMltwattkee Kllw ft Wis Oct 14 11ARe 14After After a trial trialof trialofof more tnnn fight years e Milwaukee ia iaabout 18about Ixaboutabout to abolish if tdj I mnniclpil garbage garbagetent prbtgtplaut grhageplant >plant tent Health Connatatlon Yt r Bading Badingwho B Btdtngwho dng dngWIIowho assumed aau med charge of th t hfilth h a1t h dr drpartment titpartment 1r 1rDtpartment Dt some months ago wjien W1iCfliijF W1iCfliijFBecker nl r rBecker 1BerkerBecker was elected favors Inror retm retuTfg to totbe tothe tothethe contract truct system 8J and says say t thai hsy Jty Jtylbf > y aa aadotag andoIngdoIng the city can save ve from fnpa fnpaa 09i O I t4 t4a to toMsiMMsiM a a year yearThe YMlThem1lZId yearTheThe Them1lZId municipal al plant has beeii lme a fail failure fai1ure talluiC ure from the beginning begtonfngYY t 35 i C A in Vie Yllc Crusade CrtwadeChicago CrtuctcleChkago CrusadeChicagoChicago Oct 14 HM It A agnins the > Chicago Y M C A A The7 The league will willbegin willbtgn willbeginbegin its fight with wi h aUudts lti Crtf on 5cvnt 5c cvnt nt the theaters theatffF theater aters the th redlight district d trkt dance dancecursion dancehai ance ancehalhal an and i h he lict iicn nt allowed on la Iae Iaecursktn e fX fXevncursion boats boatsMrs 003tsHrs boatsMrsMrs Davis Is SHfl SlIghtly tly Better natterNVw DetterN BetterNwNw N York Ort jstie i it ii was io satcd tonIght 1Onl ht that hat the therd thor theitird r t n i tf j ti i iY i i i a 1 r ipurtmtTlIlbtIe I Unre ia t iishti hUja lIiiiUkCd u cdsox SOXARE CH CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONSNatioiialLeague MrmNsl MrmNslNatiollalLeagncNational NatiollalLeagnc League TeamCiiisli TeamCiiislied TcanlCl ush ushcded in Final Smuggle SmuggleBROWS StruggleRItO Sfriigg1eBROWNBROWS RItO N A LOSING CARl CAEDDr CApJDr CARlDrDr White for Americans Ai cricans In Invincible 111yincille 1i 1iViileil1C vincible After Bud Start StartSeven StftltSeun StutSevenSeven liiuiN Scored Off iho hit Culi CuliThrecfliiKcreil 01Thr Cohn CohnPhreeflngeredThrecfliiKcreil Thr eflneretlfOuIer Woadcr in First FirstTiro lirstTwo IPIrttPsvoTwo Inning Settled the Xatlonnl XatlonnlIcafue XatlonnlIenJue NationalLeagueLeague Chi Cmlis It s CJiuncc of iVlitHlatfr iVlitHlatfrAVorldS WinabcgWorlsls IJlHt1g IJlHt1gor1lr4AVorldS or1lr4 ClininpioiiMlih ChampionshipGLes C C8JIIIRk C8JIIIRkGhe JiilBlcy JiilBlcyG1vcG1vc the lie Winning Mayer taerM 16OOO ii5OflOCHAMPIONSHIP 16OOOCHAMPIONSHIP 15OOOCHAMPIONSHIPCHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SERIESFirst SERIES1lnnl SERLESlInl1lnnl Cue AmerlcsH Sj SjXatloHRl S SNatlonitisXatloHRl XatloHRlFlm t tFirstFirst game pme ganieAmerIcs Amerieaas Iteaaa 2 Na Nationals Nado Nationais tionals do 1 1Second 1EoeoJId IDecoadSecond gameKationala aaN 7 Ameri Amerieaas AmerIca Amencanl eaas ca canl canlThird LThird L LThirdThird gameAmerteaas 18e I t I Na Kationate NattonaIa Nationalstionate ttonaIaFourth ft ftFourth 0FourthFourth game paaeNauoall NadoaaJa 1 Aawri Aawrieana AIIteriea Anienlealmtkeana eanaFifth ea eaFlftIa ealmtk ealmtkFifth >Fifth p gimeAivierIcans game Americana S Na Natioaaia NaL NaChicaae Natiosslatioaaia I IChicago I IChicagoChicago W U Oet MTn Chicago ChicagoAmericans CIIIcqoAmericana CakgoAmericansAmericans beat the Chicago Nationals ati to toOverwhabned to today toilayday b by tile sense et a te teOvenr 0 0OverwhelmedOverwhelmed Ovenr crushed aatasr onden a aof storm menusof stormofof hits the National Lieigve 1 leaden leadelk fell fellbefore tellbdore fellbeforebefore the Sox and an the M stories of the theworlds dieworld theworldsworlds world championship go to the White WhiteSox WIaIte80s WhiteSonSox of Conriakey ConriakeyTbe C CThe ComleyTheThe Cubs trusted the helm W ia the de deefadve deehdv doebilveefadve ehdv game to Mordeeai Brown B and he heproved heproved heprovedproved a broken reed fee t the White Sex Sexlammed SoxIammM Sealammedlammed and slammed hiss and the rattle rattleof rattleof rattleofof hits hit was De nax rain S a SBCCUM SBCCUMroof sIeec1ad sIeec1adroof sinecladroofroof rooftile He shovM have bar been removed ia iathe Inthethe Irst rauad i and Caat OIIIL spt Chance kept kepthim kepthi kepthimhim te MIl tempted fortune toe tar Is Isthe Iathe I Ithethe second totting Brow was driven oat oatBig oatenII outBigBig Overall Overall1pitched enII pitched weB w but it was too toolate tGOIa toolatelate IalateDrDr White worked for t the Sox and andstarted andataI1ed anilstartedstarted badly 17 Then be grew Invincibleand Invincible Invincibleaad law1fttAkpItcIIedand pitched on m game fashion tuh till the thefinish thedb theInielifinish db TIle Cuts fretted t and stormed stormedana Itormecltried stormedsatana sat tried their utteftaost utt to put Dec Decen Deeme Deconen the me run but the t b slender fellow f1IDwb k khi kapt kaptbisbis b head aad tamed the terrors His Hissupport HisRJIPOIt illssupportsupport wobbled at times but at tbe tbeptach tbepUkb theptachptach was steady t d a 88 a rock rockDonahue 1OCknonalnlt rockDozaaliDonahue Dozaali fl K Great IFieliHiigr IFieliHiigrDonahue IlcIdhlJDJuae 1IId lug lugDonahueDonahue wa W wss a a center ef attraction attractionAsAs he has done doI an through the series seriesso n she aeriogsoso he did today Mopping mad throws throwsright tInWIIf throwstright t and left left scooprag seeopiug up tbe tbetIae hot shots shotsfram abetsfrusfram the earth and savh onving ran after afternm aftna afterran e at Schulte That agile young Olll1g nmn backed backedinto 1Mcke4iDto backedlntointo the crowd for ft it it but tue t tb Ui Utile tie U saee saeei apd apdat spe spetatori iatfar at r spr spoiled riled his plans Jonw JOf1 scriring on ontte Oiltte onftctte miscue Immediately Il me41ate1y there was 3 a long longand 14Jgand logandand vigorous ctnventioo Ctnnnt on with Umpire UmpireOlioughlin UlDpiftI UmpiteOLougbllnOlioughlin at the plate chulte hult hardl hardlte brdled brdledIn r4l1t04 r4l1t04IDI te to report that eome rude purtisia ptutie of oftee ofI ofthethe Son had rudely kicked him and pre prevented 11ftftBted pervented vented him from getting the fly Chance Ctutteeand Ctwn CtwnaDd ChanceandI and Kttag 1 taik tuiked d nobly a and ard Ed Jones h took a ahand ah ahandhand h until OLoughHn ordtetd ord > d him to o 30 30i goand o oandi and sit t down do The Themultitud multitude ia tJw t li trot trotchipped lotchipped t tchippedchipped into the debate with Ith great t ef effect pft iffeet feet t t and it looked as though tbouc the he worn wornchampionship worlds worldschampicaship rs rschampicashchampionship might m bt be decided by a for forfeited 1flted furfelted felted game when OLoogblln got impa impatient heputient Ik Iktsnt tient and looked 1 eiu4 at his watch watchCu wateh watehCtt watchCiksCu Ciks + Yrlil rh1 to Uumfrr UumfrrFteaily U1n1 U1n1FlaaJI7 UnuihrPlushyPlushy the Cubs ube reluctantly withdrew withdrewfrom witbdrewmnl withdrewfromfrom mnl the th arena and the Su Soc x agate turned turaedthrir iwuedtheir turnedtheirtheir attention oD to Mr Brown Br wn who was wasnervously wssnervously a anervonervously nervo J pawing wIDe the earth and andto tiring tiringto tpiIW tpiIWtoto cholsr eb choktbe the ball to death out ta a tt > ebox eboxRone box IKJxRobe boxRobeRobe obliged with a crack to Tinker Tinkernau Thikerwho th ker kerwhowho nailed J JsbeB ibeLat Q at the plate and after afterRone afterRot atteiRobeRot gaylj p JJ stole ole second DoncUne landed kindedon I Ionon a straight one fer two it bags bQ and aitdbrousat andbrought 14 14uShtbrought uSht Robe borne homethe the tots total being Iag three threetuns tb threeItuns 1 UP ups Dougherty was an u easy out outGrim outi outCrimi Grim ptermioatkm > t m tuJUtMt could be wen xeute n tlio t te facts of the Cttte when they went w > nt tc tchat ftmt t thathat in the second two t runs to the bi bed bedit > 1 1U 1ItIt wi Wtfl the crlticsil t U 1l moment for grim d dtrttnntk qtr1Iiin t1trtuinttbutrttnntk tr1Iiin tJ1 n but it dees oes not holi lOud muciunless lOuduntf inuciunlessunless untf it is wall mixrd mIX with bfWf b httf httfHence hitEH hitrHeeeHence H the ueCt Cvt Ctbs > did aot tt aeeompHcb aeeomplfahmach s smach t tmuchmach us aatiw they anticipated 1ntl inttc > ii f J They The woat w 8ttRIt 8ttRItIn wt enin wtfnIn dizcy succession George Dn J n is ai U dun dunitag a afiltmgi filtmg up Kvers and KUaz after TSvers TSversgot Rvr11tgit BYrnsgotgot t t life on Donohues ueperror error error and nd Brown Brown8tiins owatI Brownstiflg8tiins tI n out outB IutRIck OutiickB RIck idt on the tb Job went tile terrible terriblesluggers terriblesluggers lesluggerssluggers in their half of the 8OOOJMI cond and andibat andllm andthatthat llm wound up Mordecal llordf yarn The flret two tw Wint out ou outSuUvn outSuUvnani Sullivan Sullivanand Sut vn vnandand Wlite YUubut but the stronsirm brigaJe at atthe atthe Atthethe head of the list li t was W CONTLUKD CmiTLU 1W ON ONliudtTit KiiiMTH PAUK PAUKCLOD P P1af PAt4 PAt41OOCLOD 1af FredorlciL Ivr Ii Ketulynville > nlysville An Anttctaxi Anttetat n ntietnattctaxi HnBrerHtown antI Return ReturnL RlturnL4an ReturnLeaveL Leave ave Bjiltinmre llti1orp Ohio station Ot O t 2 28S 21 2183q Z8t8S 83q > a t t m xtirnirg leav It letv > l Hnpv H1 Iiigrt ri wn wnJ wnj wuedyil1eJ Jvp edyil1e j dyaville Y dlh r t nd Fr r rt t1l t1lt t 7 > m ms PhISUndiys TV t U ii Si s jrcliu ullii ui LJ i n y LU si3ii 1 I ISISUndiy Sunday S JndiJ > in cuunay CuntlfttPAIL TO SAVE COMRADE COMRADESailorM COMRADESUnOH CoMBDESailorsSailors from Wnr TnI Shtpx Dl Dive c to toIlvHciie toI1elfclle toRescueRescue of Man Who ho Fall FaDs Into Sea SeaMare SenMare SeaMareMare Island Cal Oct UMarshail UMarshailKey INey an ordinary seaman attached to the tfcecruiser theCFU thecruisercruiser Charleston met his death in the thewaters tbewatfn thewaterswaters of the strait yesterday though thoughnot tboqbnot thoughnotnot because heroes were lacking among amonghis alDOlllrhla amonghishis shipmates shipmatesWiHe shipmatesfle shipmateWifIeWiHe fle washing the > side of o the war ship shipKey pNey hlp hlpNeyNey suddenly sudd u in1 nl clutched c1ptcbed at his hi bead bei8d ut uttered utere Utterr ere tered a cry and fU late tbe sea a victim victimof victimoflor of epilepsy For an instant he floated and andthen andthenIthen then he disappeared beneath Death the Charles Charlestons CbarleItona Charlestons Itona tons hull A shipmate gave ve the alarm alarmfifty aJanIai alarmfiftyi fifty men sprang to the rail rail threw threwhat threwtheir off offtheirtheir hats > and blouses and dove for the thedrowning thedrowningIdroWDlnc drowning man man but none caught a glimpse glimpseof Cof him Clear under the ship hlp some of ofthem ofthemI them swam but of no avail The body bodyfinally bodyI bodyfinallyI finally was located with a grappling book bookHe boeILiHe bookHeiHe He was wa nineteen yean ean old and a native of ofNew ofNew ofNewNew York YorkPEESIDIO YorkPRESIDIOI PRESIDIO PBESOO HOSPITAL RUMS BUESSPHtiiMitx BtmHSPHthmts RUMSPstltutttPHtiiMitx All Removed U But i BHrflil BHrflillajr nlCntI IlitfidlugI lug Is I n nTotnl Total I Io IoMontefeJ Losr LosrMontetey OM OMMontereyMonterey Cal Oct R loLThe The military mlfitaryhospital militaryhospitsi mtary mtaryhohospital ho pha at Presidio a big twostory twostorybuilding twoRolybulldJac twostorybuildingbuilding was totally destroyed by fire firelast Irelut Dielastlast evening Altnough Alt ough h the t tcrowded building was wascrowded wascrowdedcrowded wit whit patients tleata some of whom whomwere whomwere 1aoIa 1aoIawerewere crttieaBy iH III all were removed ta tasafety lafet insafetysafety fet not stogie easnaMy belle re reported re reported noported ported portedThe portedThe portedTheThe blue was due to an eyptoatoit of ofa flIla ofaa gasoline tank te the rear The TMftamM TMftamMspread llamas llamasspread Irimasspreadspread with great rapidity and men of ofthe oftbe ofthethe Twentieth Infantry and four troops trooaeof trooJeof troopsofof Fount Cavalry stationed at Presidio Presidioresponded PhIikIIor8poadEd Presidiorespondedresponded to the fire call with alacrity alacrityand alaerit alaeritand alacrityandand to their efforts is due the fact that thatthe tbatthe tlmtthethe fire was confined to the tt4 building In tewhich Inwhich inwhichwhich it started The toss wiU probably probablyamount probablyamount probablyamountamount to 150000 150000SUES SOOGOoDS Ott OttENDsSUES FIFTYFIVE DAYS FEAST EEASTIlIinoLs FEASTnUnoL PEASTlII1utLsIlIinoLs 3Inn BelIeves He llns lIn Cnreil CnreilChronic CurctChronic CuretiCliChronic Cli ron Ic ln h1fli liatligestion liatligestionhock Iigc cHol1 cHol1Bock iioii iioiiRockRock Island I IB Oct t ItAfter a fifty fiftyfive AftyftTe fiftyflyfive fly days Ia day fast fut Arthur Norden of this thtaptece tIdaplace thisplaceplace ate two light meals today to4a Norden Nordenwho N Nocdeqwhowho 110 is only ODJ twentysix years old oW has been beendenying beeDdenytnc beendenyingdenying himself food te the t hove of cur curlag csrI curlagI lag a chronic case of ofhas indigestion He Hehas H Hhashas lost twentysix twetltT pounds CIs bet t is te tefairly tafallly Infairlyfairly good health though very Ve17 weak weak but betthinks buttblnb butthinksthinks he is completely cured His only onlysustenance 011I751ISt onlysusttnancesustenance 51ISt Danee during his hi fast was two twoglasses twogluaes twoglassesglasses of water with lemon Juice a aspoonful aCIpOOnful aspoonfulspoonful of honey and u l a small amount of ofoflve 01oBn otohcoflve oil dally dallyDIE daily1J5001509 DIE AS SHIP BURNS BURNSICttt BURNSXoct BURNSMsetICttt of Those Who Perished Were WereWaffliea Were WereWas WereWntiWas and Children ChildrenSteer C1Iilir C1IilirSLeQr CkilreiSteorsweSteer Steorswe we IRiKs P lassenora nsopv nf nfCargo Cld1Iefie Cld1IefieStOR1tter CisbieseStoniHerStOR1tter jnable tllah1etio to itseape eapc When WhenCargo hen henCargoCargo aaJ tPH1iUi H Fir PIi at t HftHpfkoni HftHpfkoniHoatjkonic lIoH liongkongHeughong konJ konJOetHoatjkonic Oet It ItThe The steamshte steamshteHankow steams steamsIlankow M MRankOWHankow burned a her wharf here early earlyUu elrIfIUOftIbI end endthUu th > morntac moen and tIM souls that were werepevaed wenpeII wereedpevaed ed te the steerage stecta lost their liven IIY IIYthe livenThe BvesTheThe vessel had naayjaiyiveav onaUivedton fJCIf fJCIfton fcesa 4JBBV 4JBBVtonton a t short time More Woft She brought broughtt broughtChineset P > Chinese in the steerage e and l carried carriedaa cargo of mattteg t mett and bales hale of silk 11k It Itwas Itw itwaswas among theee materials that the flames fiamesstarted 8aBIeeatarted flamesstartedstarted and had reached great peatefOft volume volumebefore volumebeforebefore being dteoovcred dteoovcredMost overedGet dIssoveredMostMost Get of tbe crew w leaped overboard and aadthus a8dthus andthusencathusenca thus escaped death deathThe deathThe deathTheThe steerage passengers many man of ofwre whom whomwere whomwerewere women and small chfldren c children were wenI us usable anable I able to reach the tapper deck deck as the theflames tbe1Ia theflames1Ia flames spread to the compaatonways be before 1Iefore before fore the alarm was turned to toOTBDERS IlL IlLM1fRD hiMURDERSMURDERS M1fRD RS ENTIRE FAMILY FAMILYMan FAMILY3lnuiMan 12111 Wife le nml nut Three Children Slain SlninAfter Slnlnrter SlainAAfter A rter Quarrel UuarrelSpringfield QuarrelSpringfield lURrrtIYoSpringfield Mo Oct ItIt developed developedtoday developedt developedtodaytoday t that the entire eD family of Baraev BaraevParsons ePaIllOftt BarneyParsons consisting of father mother motherand mot1aetdIId motheraidand three children were murdered Friday Fridaynine FrIdaynine Fridayninenine miles from Houston a small town townseventy tOWD8eftllty towsseventyseventy miles from Springfield and audbodIee their theirbodies theirbedimbodies throw into a creek endJonIa creekJerda creekJordaJorda BamBtoM baa confessed to tile tbecrime tileertme thecrimecrime and he hi now ta the Houston HoaMonparded Jatt Jattguarded jultguardedguarded by a force of deputies to pre prevent prevellt provent vent a threatened lynching The TIletook murder murdertook munlertooktook took place te a remote spot on a country countryroad eMIDtI7road countryroadroad Parsons Pa arxou aaA Ad Hamilton had quar quarreled q1IIUJtoled qunireletL reled reledAs reletLAsAs Parsons sad his family were e driv driving dliviIII driralong ing along the road they were confronted confrontedby coDfroaedHamflto confrontedbyby Hamilton armed with a shotgun lie liedischarged lie41scharpd Hedischargeddischarged both barrets and Parsons fell fellto feUto felltoto the ground Hamilton then clubbed clubbedthe clubbedthe e4 e4thethe mother to death and afterward kilted JdIWtoo killedthe kiltedthethe three children The bodies of all allfive aI aI11ft alllivefive were fben then loaded into a wagon taken takento takfllto takentoto Big Ptaey Creek and dumped into intothe Into11be Intothethe water waterA waterA ater aterDUty11beA party of ofaebenneft fishermen from Houston Houstonfound H Houeto Houetotund OIt OItII found wad tbe bodies Saturday afternoon afternoonSortly afternoonShortly 11 11tt Shortly after the news bad been received receivedtt Houston Hamilton redo rate town oa oat Ofta onaa mule tbat tfc t was 4 recognized reco d as having havingiielongtd baYiugi baringtclngedi iielongtd ktn te Parsons He was w ai arrested arrestedmd rested restedmdi md liHd h pending pen4 investigation investigationThe investigationThe1 The rews of hi arrest l CI sphoud ad rapidly maldlyand mpidJ1ond rapidlyifldand thtre lll ht is ismucla much talk tk0 of lynching lynchingGAS tJDCIdJIaI lynchingARI GAS AR 1t BITS lli i BBS Jtlo JtloPATRoL E PATROL PA5CE0Lj PATRoL PATRoLj PATROLturj j W tur ur New York Yo I Wremen Pi e Ifetrt Wkil Wkilltpeiiig Vhlle VhlleRexiioiiAiSig kilen RexiioiiAiSig noJliUg to Cull CullNew cnN titl1NewI New N York Oct H KBowUnc Bowling along aJOD at a ahigh ah alilgih high lilgi h rate of of speed as Am Amt Amstrdam t > rdam avenue avenuejo avell avelli avenueIi I jo r cmshed into a fire fi t patrol tro1 at West WWtBroaci WaitII i TBrottdva Broaci BroadaPti and Murray streets re tooignt tooigntami tOflighttnd ht htTldami Tld tis I a result flt two tw Iffsnca 1J are fatally fatallyinjured Tinjunoc1 fatallyinjuredinjured and two oth othuc others 5 sgfcUjr tty hurt hurtThosf IaWt1n hostrhosThosf 1n rhos ratato rlltiDrbiJun4 rlltiDrbiJun4Frank fatally injured are areFranK areFrankFranK HofiX ideit fertytwo 8rt year of age 9f 9fPae ofPassaic C CPaPa Pae Passaic wall Ip mtorsai bn lIa3lmj injuries injariesOeorge injuriesi3eorgrOeorge DcaaihT fortyflw fort years na years ef fIlNw age ageNew ageNw >Nw York fraermxd fracnmdi skpfL skpfLv1mtm kaU kaUVUlfctmi VUlfctm huD Btiaoteter find afidi Oeorjce dfe dfe3aiei 3aie two outer GUtIlbcu trrfSBKn WWv re reI Migatly1 I bruised and 1 1AYE tt ttGATE tGATE AYE Ala UflZflfl UflZflflAmosieaaoljhim USutIlbcu USut1IAmosieaaoljhim l ikO 1I 1Il r3 r3SS llotdcvs l tee toe A At Arrested ArrestederjeoI erjeo cIty Mexict > exIc Oct ItA 1L A ANtyv n BLirn BLirnher m mfther f if men 1 at local J prontkia tIii Ug m m19 i itt wra 19 adjleet lt to th Untoj nltt 4 8t alr 4 lr lr4r r rdrrdrr Ntyv ttto been arrest PsteI1 fd during d theUsst theUsstTiiejr tleUstfy thoflstwfy das tpJt age7itof fi th Fcr Fcrlal1 lal 1 g4Yceflpt 0 f Tiiejr ltey arr t ai > cfwcg cl1 ethirgtd d with witfeodTu wjU1eooil withiendbgiendbg 1eooil odTu dKlr tir ort to tjt I 80ft1fd e ljrtJ ljrtJjf j I Mexican revolatteaary ry junta vMcti wbicb1t VVAjto 1 I to tortng afctot t1M the overthrow a e oiadthin1tratIcn OJaza DiNladniinltratica ladniinltraticaV a4 nntua adthin1tratIcn adthin1tratIcnWelsh G8 G8h G8VelHl hWelsh V sl k Chwlr Aafs A Aates AatesNew ros rosNew CS CSNewNew York Y rkOet Oct 14 14A ltAmtaig Amcng ng the i laSSfn laSSfngrs passengets asaen asaengersgets who arrived today on board the thesteamer thestumEt theamersteamer amer Oedric Ce i twenty l nty members of the Ro Roal al Wei h hia hIi haaeia aae a > Ch h T who are coming comfn o this c u utry 1lry iu iutryIi try in n a concert eu tour The sou arlbs arlbsare arH arHare atrhItsareare Wiss 1iss Eva Hi HUI Miss Aliiu All d Ma Mad MadI MadCove d dCoveCove Cov W V Todt Jones and AnueSn An ein Ed Edwards Edwards Edwards I wards The conductor I J J H Svmil S HnIl A t Sons onH Forias ForiasKill F FtorisuuI orI1IKill 1 th t Ii a I i Va 1 1lr rf rfAsuiia r rI1 Asuiia and llij ll Brcadway New ew w Yo Yod ic tA ALJIII TO rlUNCE FATALSpectthig fATAl fATAlSpeedingSpeeding Marines Meet JI leet eet on onCurve onCllrvc oi oiCiuvcCurve on onliountain Mountain sMe sMeOBKHM ijle ijleO i4leoNPJIANGOBKHM O H 68 FAST FASTIXTP IX TREE TREEDrirers TREEDrFrcrs E EDrivcrsDrirers See Sc Danger Dan er Too Lfce to toAvert toA toAvertAvert A ycrt Disaster DisasterChaiilTour D Diss Sd ter terChnuir terChiaiiffuurChaiilTour Chnuir ur for It nJtII 1Hltsui tGJI CHttf C aniaing aniaingWhose tttag tttagVIIIIHC K KVlioKeVlioKe Daughters IU1gJtt r Are in hiTeIIK hiTeIIKTllrn T lsumesw lsumeswTurns we H HTurnsTurns Tllrn Oar Up Side of Clfttl0ler Clfttl0lerDriver Cltlft1Otkerl C1liFO4JserflrierDriver l ricr Trfe irleia tm t 5ip St > 3 DRt t fiCrUce fiCrUceHocUK fltrtkesltoelt Uu UuJtocIDcHocUK at Bltgre K e or f OiJT Hurt I 1M Fa Fatally latfiU iahillytally tfiU HurtHUeiikeH Pall to t Work WorkNswburgh WorkNsbangb nrk nrkNNswburgh N N Y Oct UAnother auto autoaccident 1utoaedteIIt iutumeme accident te which Ideh Ix Louie Louischatidieiw > uia LW > iJ iJdladear cauneor dladear of Mew York was as kfileti aid tuidB an anB aidBB Fulton Cuttings two daugbteiv da by byJumping tyjumping JY JYJ1mqJtnaJumping saved themselves from the an anfate anl anllate amfatefate late occurred on one of the be E E H HUrri HUrriman Blrimaa HLrimanman roads reoeatly onflt along the fUt fUtera artera t teraera duT eIt of the Ramapo Range near th thincHne lhiacltae thinclineincline railway rai kudfag ft in the avllion avlliondoUar ndtiondollar mion miondollardollar residence ce BOW under construction 1OIIatruclunfor construct constructionfor tout toutforfor Harriman HarrimanLate IiarrioLate HarrimanLateLate Saturday Batur aY afternoon OD W H jj jjCeJlsua Mv MvCleMan i iCWbtnCleMan treasurer for Arden A ED Forms chain chainof chainof Chainofof stores te Orange County Coua noticed an anautomobile allautOlDOllOe altautomobileautomobile rf pa ffff hy aa though A run runntog runaJug runningntog wild He Jumped into his hi mac BI3 mabin mabinand bin binand binandand gave chase but tleber l ober ia a a 1igu 1igupower J 11ghpower gl1 gl1werpower wer ruaaboat was not to be overuk overukTbroagh overt kThiough k kTbTbroagh Tb the wild moantain ountaln ta1D some at vet vetnyfive cn cnQftveQftve feet above the meadows ait it itsixtymile a asixtymile aaIDymsixtymile e dip west Limber LIe evtt vidtmtly vidtmtlymaking ntj ntjmaIdDa tly tlymakingmaking a record run from New York t tKewbwrgh tNewbargh > INewlNqbKewbwrgh a aTooNewlNqbT NewbarghroeToo T o Narrow Sarro to Tsa 1h 1hTb s sThfajThis Tb piece of road has many turns turnsAt twnsAt turnsAtAt one of these sharp turns toe amiss amissCutttog Misevt tMiss tMissCuttingCutttog evt and Mr uttiDa Cutting car wfiii wfiiii withCbaimeur liI liIcanrevri Chauffeur Dunn aVthe rthe wheel bound lor lorI JUlTu icrTuxedoI Tuxedo came like a flash In front o oI of ofLIdter ofLatherI Lather TIle road being narrow narrrJ pawing pawingat pen perni at such age a speed was out t of the question questionMr qae questiflMr tI n nMTMr Dunn Dua accepted the situation shout hcutj hcutjt 1 1toto t the women to hold on and went tear tearing 1C11Ing tearlag ing up tbe mountain side crashing ini inithe ill tutthe iI iIthe the reeks and catching tchtng to a tree t by 01 O onc oncforward I Ifonn c cforwafdforward wheel which saved the car from frumtumlD fromturning rua ruaturningturning and rotlteg back down the n nui nuilain tu tutate tataiDtate aide Idr The TIIe1fWIIeII women Jumped but wvr wvrnot werImtIIIWt 1 1DOt ri III III1M jr Mna Mnaleased tn tnThe1M car wae wa raIsed aM Umber was 0 1 1Ica8 ibusedleased He was placed te the Cutti Cutticar u ucar acarcar and there was another wild run runTuxedo runTase4o runTuzeoTuxedo where ber Chauffenr Dunn taki takithe W WtIaethe patient ta Ma hi arms proceeded preee ttMBce tomc t tofifceofifce omc of Or WIse W only onlyto to find tfe t taa i iapas itoeapas aa too toektP hrctir Hr Uroerhad IMbt bad 1ini nreitli nreitliislast ti tibislast 1 1isislast is 1ast1 While wbil k te Mr Dunns arms armsMr a aMr ar arMrMr Sloan oan the owner of efth efthurueh the ear c f fmuch I Imuch i Iare are being taken to restore it to t tfrteate tIrI8ate tfrigatefrigate when ben she sJwSistJt is reconstructedSixtyeight reconstructed reconstructedSixtyeightSixtyeight years ago the t head of OH OHHickory OliHkkoiy ld ldIekor7Hickory was sawed eeI off by b Samu Santui SantuiDewey 111111 1 1Dewey IDeweyDewey a a4 prominent at young man of I Itoa B Btoe Btotoa toe to who heeded bee the opposition to ha havi haviJacksons ii iiJackaons i iJacboa United Sons of Cooedeute CDed ute VM VMerans Vt d delan t teranserans elan elected tUe following s en n Sai Saittrday SIHda St u utirdayttrday to serve serve e for o thc j 3 r ig 1gttttt 1gtttttB yeat yeatW 7Otl 7OtlEB E W V Kerr Jr eommau b bGaitit JI 1 1Qatt i iGantGaitit Qatt t first iietttenaat commander J H HHug HMGa I IHogHug second aec 5ti3fl lie lieutenant teni nt commander i IBritt31 Britt 8ri adjutant Dr O Wilkinson W UdD8Ol1 su sugeon sip surt sipgecageon Wallace Sireatar Ql1lne quaneme ciuartermjsu ciuartermjsuHer = IIt IItHe s u t tRevt Her He H H W Pratt Pratt chaplain C C S C Cingtoa cI Cingtoaingtoa treasurer V lu W Maaoud List Listriaa I j 1st 1stthin lI thin W M L Monroe oafOe color r bearer M t f F Fbalm FKaha F FKahnbalm So S D Peannaa Peann J K Pea PennypoJr ypc k kJr ktucuti b tri t l was as pmauat and aaBure U1Sf11e1I l th thsociety tIty u uktttysociety ty of ire hearty good willtXtWecI will exsu exsunptirecit ex i ihMwannptirecit the Yetermna Vnaan4 and the SOBS Tin TinBxt T Tlk ri rinittBxt lk l meeting n > ting will be iteM ta KdVimi IIo Nov 11 11Tb i iTniv iThisThis ytsu y pnMhtes to be a very ry aect St sees seesful > Cts Ctsiui s sfuifui vou nlpaa a as s there te an etvnaiv xuxuuv t AlSh in ingfjiAKiK 1 1t i igtttouitgfjiAKiK t of teteroctmg I t i1C fcatgue f tJlea tJleaCit a aCrtrolia sClaCrtrolia Cit rw Erceii rcen is areuaor prj lutOr > aor of the otam otamUcn oru oruJep or orl9Ucn Jep l9 anJ UMiU ac Miss Sttcafeth Gaold Gawdmd md ud of ofWOO ofbQttr ofborbQttr bQttrii WOO SEE JAIWH j rItOlI ic icI EAC EACCeateAt REltebuafboaltebuafboa I CeateAt CeateAtBerMot mrl rrt j rO a a8w iiiDebunk8w Debunk itt B nrrutt nrruttBcrlip rhl 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